Monday, November 8, 2010

2011 Challenge Update! ! !

Challenge One ::: We will make Valentine Cards with kids for Veterans!!! Using repurosed materials for the cards, bringing kids from all our family's together & supporting our tropps here at home with some much needed love!
Create Change without $Change$ (Due on or before February 18th, 2011)
No Money? NO PROBEL! This Project is meant to address the ongoing speed bump that keeps people from geting involved - CASH! Your team will be challenged to put your creativity to the test and leave your wallets at home! No need to purchase items, ask for money or use your own, there are many opportunities to repurpose existing items, donate your time, spend time with someone, build relationships and connect to make a difference. Let's shed that roadblock and a little light on the new ways to get involved at the same time!

Challenge Two ::: We will be dedicated to finding beds for & helping their cause however we can!!! Lets put our heads, hands and helpfulness together to spread the word and make sure a few more local families have beds to sleep on!
See-A-Need -> Fill-A-Need (Due on or before March 25th, 2011)
Making a Difference can be simple! During this project, you are challenged to work together wtih your selected benefiting organizationto idenify a basic need. Your team will provide comfort by finding a creative way to reach across the gap and work together and fill it!

Challenge Three ::: We have choosen to do the Border Challenge for Austism once again! ! !
Grow Change - Create Hope (Due on or be April 29th, 2011)
During your finial project we challenge you to choose something that will continue to make an impact after you leave. This could mean SO many things! Plant a tree or community garden, teach someone to read, restore, repurpose or create and item that will continue to aid someone in the community or educate others about a local need and grow change beyond Project Change!

Challenge Four - the Group Project!
Mission Underpants! (May 2011)
This is a very common need for children, women and men who are struggling or homeless. This will be a one-day project, however it may include an ongoing rally throughout the season where teams are encouraged to have their own collections from now until our final push in May. There will be an award to that team the gathers the most underwear and socks prior to the group event!
"Consciously or unconsciously, every one of us does render some service or other. If we cultivate the habit of doing this service deliberately, our desire for service will steadily grow stronger and we will make not only our own happiness, but that of the world at large."
- Mahatma Gahndi