Friday, February 25, 2011

Mission Underpants

a GINORMOUS underwear & sock collection benefiting local families in need!!!

Project Change hopes to raise 50,000+ pairs of new underwear and socks that can be distributed to many of the local non-profit shelters, day cares and homeless services organizations in the communities of our 17 teams. This basic need is an issue across the country and we hope to raise awareness to it, while we knock the socks off of several communities when they see what can happen when we come together for a cause!

Now thru May 6th 2011 Project Change - Team Awaken KC, will be collecting donations of NEW packaged underwear and socks for those in need (All Sizes Welcome!).

Current drop locations:
SFS Architecture - (Open 8AM - 5PM Mon.-Fri.)
1150 Grand Blvd., Suite 400
Kansas City, MO 64106

A. L. Huber - (Open 8AM - 5PM Mon.-Fri.)
10770 El Monte
Overland Park, KS 66211

Performance Contracting, Inc. (Open 7AM -4 PM Mon. - Fri.)
1203 Main St.
Grandview, MO 64030

contact Patti Krueger at for more information on current up to date drop locations for Team Awaken KC.

Contact us if you have any questions about planning an undie fundie to help our cause! Email: or call Ryan at 913.634.8568.

Friday, February 11, 2011

April 2011

Border Challenge for Autism III

Procedes from this years Border Challenge for Autism event are divided between two GREAT organizations fighting Autism! The School (KU or MU) wih the most supporters will get 60% of the procedes from this years event! Kansas University took home the crown in 2010 and was awarded a $6,000 check from the Project Change, Awaken KC team! Be a part of this event in 2011 and help your school fight Autism!


The organizations we support are:

K-CART (The Kansas Center for Autism Research and Training)


MU Thompson Center for Autism & Neurodevelopmental Disorders

The Details:

Join us for food, Boulevard beer, wine, live and silent auction items and a whole lotta fun!


When: April, 28th 5:00p.m. - 9:00p.m.

Where: Boulevard Brewing Company, 2501 Southwest Boulevard, Kansas City, MO 64108

Thursday, January 27, 2011

March 2011

Sleepyhead Beds - Bed Collection and Delivery is a non-profit charitable organization within the Greater Kansas City Area. Filling a very simple, very large need. Collecting gently used, unwanted mattresses, sanitizing and sterilizing them & distributing them to children in need. As Awaken KC during our challenge in the month of March we would like to help Sleepyhead Beds by; Raising awareness, creating a mattress drive and spending time picking up, cleaning and delivering the mattresses to the families in need.

Save the Dates: March 12 & 19th

for bed pickup, cleaning and delivery!!!

February 2011

Valentines for Veterans at Kaleidescope

For our first Challenge Awaken KC has decided to bring together the creativity of the youth and create unique Valentine's Day Cards for Veterans. Kaleidescope, at Hallmark, has generously agreed to work with us to set up times for families to bring in their children and donate their remnants towards this projects. We will then deliver the cards to local VA hospitals and VFWs to spread much needed smiles to service men and women.

See Kaleidescope's Calendar &
Pick any time on Saturday Feb. 5th!

Can not wait to see you there!

"Consciously or unconsciously, every one of us does render some service or other. If we cultivate the habit of doing this service deliberately, our desire for service will steadily grow stronger and we will make not only our own happiness, but that of the world at large."
- Mahatma Gahndi