Friday, January 30, 2009

Challenge Two

March 2009 - Warm the Homeless

Working with Community LINC

Project: Renovating the Teen Space at Community LINC.

Challenge Leaders: Dean, Randy, Jaime (AL Huber), Mike, Darcey (Wallace Engineers), Linsay & Greg (Lankford Engineers).

Status: Randy Huber & Mike Hurd visited Community LINC and went through the list in person to see what projects we want to include for this Challenge.

We will be renovating the Teen Space at Community LINC. The space is located in the basement of one of their buildings and is very depressing right now. AL Huber has already secured a sub-contract to redo the concrete floor in the basement. Together AL Huber, Wallace Engineers, Lankford Engineers, LaFarge and Western Fireproofing
will be pouring a topping on the current 1" thick slab. Simultaneously SFS Architecture and Encompas will be working on the interiors, to make this a fun space for the kids to hang out and study. To date we have met with the Teens to get their ideas and input on their future meeting space, as well as begun the process of prepping the space for renovation.

1 comment:

patti l krueger said...

Awaken KC meets the Teens of Community LINC
February 17th 6:00 - 7:00 PM
4012 Troost
Kansas City, MO

We will meet with the Teens and discuss what they would enjoy seeing in their new Teen Space.

We will be measuring and taking more pictures to 'size up the space' and get a better idea of what is possible.

If interested in joining us for this meeting please e-mail Patti @ We would enjoy more involvement to bring more ideas to the table!!!

"Consciously or unconsciously, every one of us does render some service or other. If we cultivate the habit of doing this service deliberately, our desire for service will steadily grow stronger and we will make not only our own happiness, but that of the world at large."
- Mahatma Gahndi