Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Challenge Two - Complete

March 2009 - Warm the Homeless

Working with Community LINC

Project: Renovating the Teen Space at Community LINC.

Challenge Update: 90% Complete

Status: Early in March a group of dedicated volunteers and Team Members cleared the space and prepped it for pouring concrete. Together AL Huber, Wallace Engineers, Lankford Engineers, LaFarge and Western Fireproofing poured a beautiful topping on the current 1" thick slab. The last two weekends of March have been used to paint and finish the space. Stone walls were painted by hand, walls were repaired, chairs were recovered, track lights were wired & hung and a chalk board has been installed in the bathroom! The unveiling of the space to the teens was Thursday April 2nd, 2009 (as seen on the 10pm News).

CF Wood Products did the new counter tops, Gragg's Paint generously donated an incredibly large quantity of paint, and George G. Shaw Construction finished, saw cut and sealed the beautiful new concrete floor in in the basement.

Materials were donated from everyone previously mentioned & the following;

Baer Supply
ISC Surfaces
Albert Tramm Lumber
Patcraft Design Weave
Johnson County Custom Upholstery

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"Consciously or unconsciously, every one of us does render some service or other. If we cultivate the habit of doing this service deliberately, our desire for service will steadily grow stronger and we will make not only our own happiness, but that of the world at large."
- Mahatma Gahndi