Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Challenge Three

April 2009 - Save the Planet

Working with Community LINC

Project: Plant a Rain Garden and installing a French Drain to help with drainage and create a Community Garden at Community LINC. ***ACCOMPLISHED***

Challenge Leaders: Matt and Lisa (Patti Banks Associates) & Melody and Patti (sfs architecture)

Status: Matt, Brett, Melody and Patti visited the site to see what was feasible to assist with drainage issues and developing a community garden. Thanks to some dedicated volunteers from Church of the Reserection a 12" x 12" trench was dung during one of the last (or not...) snows of the season. Matt, Lisa, Melody and Patti are working on a plan and contacting organizations that might be interested in partnering on the community garden.

We will be installing
a French Drain, planting a Rain Garden and creating a community garden at Community LINC. The French Drain will be located at the south side of the buildings, where the parking lot and a down spout drains along the side of Building 6. There is an obvious drainage problem, causing flooding to occur in the basement of one of their buildings. Patti Banks Associates has already laid out a plan to drain the water towards the street and the future Rain Garden. To date we have the trench dug, Applied Ecological Services is graciously donating plants for the Rain Garden, we are still looking for organizations that might be interested in partnering on the community garden or donating.

1 comment:

Project Change KC said...

Work Days!

April 18th & April 25th

the First weekend we will be tilling and prepping to plant.

the Second weekend we will be planting and finishing.

"Consciously or unconsciously, every one of us does render some service or other. If we cultivate the habit of doing this service deliberately, our desire for service will steadily grow stronger and we will make not only our own happiness, but that of the world at large."
- Mahatma Gahndi